8 min read
Yes, it is permissible to subtract personal loans from Zakat if the borrower is unable to repay due to financial hardship.
The following are the two views on the deduction of loans from Zakat:
1. View Supporting Loan Deduction from Zakat:
2. View Opposing Loan Deduction from Zakat:
Thus, while opinions differ, the action of deducting a loan from Zakat should prioritize the true spirit of Shariah and be done with sincerity and transparency.
And Allah knows best!
Atta-ur-Rehman, a specialist in Fiqh from Fazal-Jamiat-ul-Uloom-ul-Shariah, Jama'at ul-Umar Karachi, is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence. His expertise spans various aspects of Shariah, including Zakat, financial rulings, family laws, and ethical guidance in everyday life. With a deep understanding of Islamic principles, he provides a reliable insights into matters of faith, worship, and personal obligations.