8 min read
Yes, a debt due within 12 months can be deducted from Zakat.
According to Islamic guidelines, debts payable in full within the next 12 lunar months can be subtracted from the total wealth when calculating Zakat. This is because Zakat is only due on wealth available to the person, not money already committed to repaying a debt.
Debts payable within 12 months can be fully deducted from Zakatable assets when calculating Zakat. This ensures that Zakat is only calculated on the wealth that remains after necessary obligations, like debts, have been accounted for.
It is important to note that this deduction applies only to debts due within 12 months. Debts with longer repayment periods or uncertain repayment periods are not typically deducted in the same way.
And Allah knows best!
Atta-ur-Rehman, a specialist in Fiqh from Fazal-Jamiat-ul-Uloom-ul-Shariah, Jama'at ul-Umar Karachi, is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence. His expertise spans various aspects of Shariah, including Zakat, financial rulings, family laws, and ethical guidance in everyday life. With a deep understanding of Islamic principles, he provides a reliable insights into matters of faith, worship, and personal obligations.