
Am I Allowed to Give My Zakat to My Brother or Sister?

8 min read


Yes, it is permissible to give your zakat to your brother or sister under certain conditions.

If you are financially responsible for their maintenance, meaning you must support them, then giving them zakat to avoid spending on their needs is not allowed. Zakat cannot be used as a way to protect your wealth by avoiding your responsibilities.

However, if you are not obligated to spend on their maintenance, such as when you don’t inherit from them or cannot afford to support both them and your own family, or if you are giving zakat to help them pay off a debt they cannot afford, then it is permissible.

It is recommended to give zakat to them in such situations, as it serves both as charity and an opportunity to strengthen family ties.

And Allah knows best!




Atta-ur-Rehman, a specialist in Fiqh from Fazal-Jamiat-ul-Uloom-ul-Shariah, Jama'at ul-Umar Karachi, is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence. His expertise spans various aspects of Shariah, including Zakat, financial rulings, family laws, and ethical guidance in everyday life. With a deep understanding of Islamic principles, he provides a reliable insights into matters of faith, worship, and personal obligations.